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Discussion » Statements » Rosie's Corner » Is the right to speak freely always going to win any battle whose opponent is TRUTH? The Supremes have ruled that lying isn't a crime. WHAT?

Is the right to speak freely always going to win any battle whose opponent is TRUTH? The Supremes have ruled that lying isn't a crime. WHAT?

So LiARS are protected and truthtellers are sacrificed? How is that fair right just acceptable logical tenable sensible reasonable?

Two-edged sword. What isn't? Truth will always suffer at the hands of liars. Why it is so I do not know. Is telling lies worth the price of killing truth? I know liars will say so but the rest of you who think liars are scumbags?

Posted - October 10, 2019


  • 6098
    Not sure which Supremes record you are referring to.  Know that if we always expect the truth from anyone always we are only setting ourselves up for disappointment.  Even if we always got the truth we would not want it anyway.  Because the truth is very often unpleasant for us. So we choose not to focus on it.  Unless of course we are using it because we have some kind of axe to grind. 
      October 10, 2019 8:18 AM MDT